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Dua Cards from Al-Hisnul Haseen
06.02.2010, 19:23

Dua Cards from Al-Hisnul Haseen

Download Description Size Downloads
Duas from Al-Hisnul Haseen by Allamah Muhammad Al-Jazri(RAH)
Duas 1 - 100.25 MB11389
Duas 11 - 200.25 MB4808
Duas 21 - 300.25 MB6584
Duas 31 - 400.25 MB5757
Duas 41 - 500.25 MB3902
Duas 51 - 600.25 MB5652
Duas 61 - 700.4 MB4480
Duas 71 - 80  0.3 MB2924
Duas 81 - 90  0.4 MB2307
Duas 91 - 100  0.2 MB1868
Duas 101 - 110  0.2 MB1993
Duas 111 - 120  0.2 MB1931
Duas 121 - 130  0.2 MB1937
Duas 131 - 140  0.1 MB1825
Small Duas 001 - 010  0.1 MB2401
Small Duas 011 - 020  0.1 MB2183
Small Duas 021 - 030  0.1 MB2069
Small Duas 031 - 040  0.1 MB2278


These dua cards were made by a brother over many years who wanted to share them. They are in word document format and can be printed on standard business card sheets which you can buy from the store. Each dua card pack download contains 10 duas. There are two sets of files:

  1. IDC - 001 - 010 - A - C.doc
  2. IDC - 001 - 010 - B - C.doc

The file with "A - C" is the front side of the dua cards which has the arabic.
The file with "B - C" is the file with the transliteration and translation.

Feel free to re-organize the duas by copying pasting the duas. Make sure when you print the cards the correct translation/transliteration is printed on the other side of the card. Test the print on a regular sheet of paper before printing to the business card sheet.

  1. The duas are from the book: "Al-Hisnul Haseen" by Allamah Muhammad Al-Jazri(RAH).
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