arabic can be fun and easy once you learn to recognize the different
shapes that an alphabet can appear as. 22 of the 28 Arabic letters have
4 variants:
1. Standing alone.
2. As the first letter in a word.
3. Inside the word, between two other letters.
4. As the last letter in a word, joining to the letter in front.
for the remaining 6, they never join to the succeeding letter, even
when they are inside a word. This means that the writer has to lift his
pencil, and even if he is inside the same word. The following letter
will have to be written as if it was the first in a word. Examples of
these odd 6, see 'alif and wâw. The following lists each alphabet and its possible forms:
'a/'u/i/â ('alif)
b (bā')
t (tā')
th (thā')
j (jīm)
h (hā') stressed h- always transliterated in bold
kh (khā')
d (dāl)
dh (dhāl)
r (rā')
z (zāy)
s (sīn)
sh (shīn)
s (sād) stressed s, always transliterated as bold s
d (dād) stressed d, always transliterated as bold d
t (tā') stressed t, always transliterated as bold t
z (zā') stressed z, always transliterated as bold z
О те, которые уверовали! Оберегайте себя и свои семьи от Огня, растопкой которого будут люди и камни. Над ним есть ангелы суровые и сильные. Они не отступают от повелений Аллаха и выполняют все, что им велено.(Сура ат-Тахрим, 6 аят)